Episode 183

Published on:

19th Mar 2024

Breaking the Mold: Transferable Skills for Career Success


In this edition of the HR Impact show, taped live at HR Transform from the Wynn in Las Vegas, host Dr. Jim welcomes talent strategy expert Stephanie Lowenstern to debunk common myths in the hiring landscape. As a seasoned recruiter and founder, Stephanie provides invaluable perspectives on the job market, particularly addressing the fear-induced misconception that no companies are hiring in tough economic times.

Throughout the interaction, Dr. Jim and Stephanie engage in a myth-busting conversation that delves into the dynamism of the employment sector. Despite prevalent reports of layoffs, they emphasize the growth and opportunities in various industries like hospitality, government, and manufacturing. Stephanie advocates for a positive mindset, encouraging job seekers to recognize their transferable skills and adapt to a diverse range of industries.

Key Takeaways:

Companies are indeed hiring, contrary to the pervasive narrative of a hiring freeze, especially in sectors outside of the tech industry.

Job seekers should maintain a positive outlook and view their career journey with potential, rather than a pre-determined struggle.

Skills and experiences from one industry, including soft skills, can often be applied successfully to other industries.


0:00:00 Introduction to the HR Impact show and guest Stephanie Lowenstern

0:01:05 Myth busting: Companies are hiring despite the fear mongering

0:01:59 Perception of companies not hiring due to layoffs in the tech industry

0:02:54 Importance of mindset and exploring other industries for job opportunities

0:03:41 Transferable skills and how to apply them to different industries

0:04:35 How to connect with Stephanie Lowenstern and learn more about Brightlink Talent

0:04:47 Overview of Brightlink Talent's work with high-growth companies

0:05:38 Conclusion and invitation to join the HR Impact community

Connect with Dr. Jim: linkedin.com/in/drjimk

Connect with CT: linkedin.com/in/cheetung

Connect with Stephanie : linkedin.com/in/stephanieloewenstern

Music Credit: winning elevation - Hot_Dope

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Dr. Jim: [:

But before we do that, I want to introduce Stephanie and have her share a little bit about herself with the audience,

Stephanie Loewenstern: thank you so much. Hi, my name is Stephanie Lohenstern. I am the founder of bright link talent. I specialize in helping early stage and high growth tech companies source and find some great talent for their teams . I love what I do and super happy to be here with Dr. Jim.

cruiter, and you look at the [:

Stephanie Loewenstern: I think in today's world, there's a lot of fear mongering on LinkedIn, and it's upsetting because there's so many people that are saying, Oh, the market's so tough. Companies are not hiring. And yes, companies have slowed down on hiring. In some aspect, there are jobs out there and companies are hiring.

So it is possible to find a job even if you were recently laid off.

Dr. Jim: It's really interesting that you mentioned that the perception out there is that companies might not be hiring. I'd like you to add a little bit more context into why people might be thinking that's the case.

Stephanie Loewenstern: I think that you read the news, or like some tech companies are laying off people, or there's budgets that are being cut, . You go on LinkedIn, every single post in your feed is potentially, I was laid off again. So it's not Easy to not buy into the myth that companies aren't hiring. But as you and I both know, there are other industries that are growing. So there are companies that are hiring, like hospitality, or government, or manufacturing.

Those are companies that are hiring.

Dr. Jim: I [:

Why is that perspective important to a candidate that's looking for work and how should they switch their mindset so that they're in the best possible position to be competitive for those other industries?

Stephanie Loewenstern: I think first of all, with mindset, it's important to see that there is possibility that you can find a job and you're not doomed just because you're Your friend or your neighbor, they've been on the market for a year.

Doesn't mean that's going to be your story or your experience. That's number one. And then number two, get excited about those other industries and look at your skillset and see what is possible and what you've done in your past jobs and how that could translate into another industry that you may be interested in or that is hiring.

more context on. And that's [:

Stephanie Loewenstern: It's tough because some of them could be soft skills,. If you're, for example, if you're a BDR and you're in sales, And you're from a tech company and you're used to cold calling all day and looking at lists. Maybe you could go work in hospitality and be at the front lines and talk to people because your skill set of engaging and talking to people could transfer from being a BDR at a tech company to being in hospitality or whatnot.

Or manufacturing, maybe they're hiring sales folks. So you have the same skill set. Just figure out a way to embody that into the next company.

Dr. Jim: That's a great point. I think one of the things that a lot of people fall into the trap of is that, hey, I've spent all of this time in this one industry and I've acquired a lot of capability in this one industry.

hat you do from a day to day [:

So really great point. Stephanie, if people want to continue the conversation and connect with you and talk a little bit more about the talent landscape, what's the best way for them to get in touch with you?

Stephanie Loewenstern: Find me on LinkedIn. Stephanie Lowenstern, or you can email me, stephanie at brightlinktalent.


Dr. Jim: Awesome stuff. Tell us a little bit, before we sign off, tell us a little bit about the work that you're doing at BrightLink.

do that we our agency does a [:

Dr. Jim: Great stuff.

Thanks for hanging out with us Stephanie. I think when I think about our quick conversation that we've had Mindset is critical for listeners to pay attention to. If you're a candidate that's out there in the marketplace looking for your next role, don't let people tell you that because you don't have experience in a specific industry that you're not a fit.

You need to look for the ways that you are a fit within the organization and play to those strengths because that's how you're actually going to set yourself apart from somebody else

ming to you from HR transform:

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About your hosts

CheeTung Leong

Profile picture for CheeTung Leong
I'm committed to helping people live their best lives through work.

I'm one of the co-founders of EngageRocket, an HRTech SaaS startup and we are focused on helping organizations build empowered managers, engaged employees, and elite teams.

I'm a big nerd when it comes to economics and psychology and regularly use data and tech to help folks live their best lives.

I've been recognized by Prestige Magazine as one of the top 40 under 40 business leaders and have been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg, Business Insider, and Tech in Asia.

Jim Kanichirayil

Profile picture for Jim Kanichirayil
Your friendly neighborhood talent strategy nerd is the producer and co-host for The HR Impact Show. He's spent his career in sales and has been typically in startup b2b HRTech and TA-Tech organizations.

He's built high-performance sales teams throughout his career and is passionate about all things employee life cycle and especially employee retention and turnover.