Episode 14

Published on:

5th Jul 2023

What Are the Best Practices for Building Strong Hybrid or Remote Teams?

Building strong teams in remote and hybrid environments can be challenging, especially for small to mid-sized organizations. However, there are five things that organizations can do to build highly effective teams in remote or hybrid settings.

Firstly, regular asynchronous or synchronous video meetings should be held to facilitate better collaboration and connection across the team. Asynchronous communication channels such as Teams or Slack can also be used for work discussions, feedback, and questions, providing flexibility and avoiding disruptive interruptions.

Secondly, team building activities can be facilitated through video platforms like Zoom, allowing for social activities and fun to be integrated into the workday. This builds personal connections beyond just work-related connections, tapping into creativity and building familiarity with each other.

Thirdly, creating a celebration culture by taking opportunities to celebrate small and big wins can help build connectivity across the enterprise, regardless of time zones. This fosters a cohesive environment and promotes a focus on wellness, including physical and mental wellness.

Lastly, integrating a focus on wellness not only promotes an overall wellness culture but also builds connectivity within the team. Empowered managers and engaged employees are key to building elite organizations.

In summary, building highly effective teams in remote or hybrid settings requires regular communication, team building activities, celebrating wins, and promoting wellness. These practices build personal connections, foster creativity, and promote a cohesive environment, leading to an elite organization.


0:00:00 Building strong teams in remote and hybrid environments can be challenging.

0:01:13 Regular cadence of asynchronous or synchronous video meetings.

0:01:43 Asynchronous communication channels for work discussions.

0:02:18 Creating social activities and fun via zoom for team building.

0:03:01 Creating a celebration culture for rewards and recognition.

0:03:40 Integrating focus on wellness for physical and mental health.


Best Practices for Building Strong Remote/Hybrid Teams

Dr. Jim: [:

Goes through the roof and the coordination required to make that happen successfully creates for a really daunting experience.

When you're in an office, it can be argued that building a highly collaborative and effective team is a lot easier because you can have the informal conversations drive collaboration and brainstorming and creativity.

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First need to have a regular cadence of asynchronous or synchronous video meetings. Now, this doesn't mean that you are taking all of the calendar time for updates, but you should have regular interactions where you can come together as a team and it doesn't necessarily need to be.

Purely work focus. It could be gatherings that you are coming together to just collaborate or build that connection.

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Rather than the pop-ins that can be disruptive in a physical office setting. Now, when it comes to team building activities, this becomes a little bit more challenging in remote and hybrid environments, but the infrastructure already exists in a lot of different places where you can create social activities and fun via Zoom or any other video platform that you're working with. If you integrate this into a normal workday, it allows you to build those Personal connections that aren't necessarily work related, and it allows you to tap into some of the creativity and build a rhythm and familiarity with each other.

It's an opportunity where regardless of where you are in the world, it gives you the chance to connect beyond just the work level connections.

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And amp that up. Any opportunity that you have to celebrate a small win, a big win, you should take a chance at that because it's going to actually help you build that connectivity across the entire enterprise, across any time zone, and it's gonna allow you to build cohesion across the enterprise.

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And in a number of ways creating community across enterprises. And that promotes an overall wellness culture that's gonna play a vital part in your ability to build strong, collaborative, hybrid and remote teams.

Building. Team cohesion. Building a highly effective organization in remote settings can be challenging. If you're in a large organization. It becomes much more challenging in a smaller to midsize organization. So as a member of a busy HR team, taking these five different tactics to integrate continuous communication, build that culture of collaboration and celebration, it's gonna go a long way in helping you

become an elite organization. The formula for becoming an elite organization is really simple. Empowered managers, engaged employees help build elite organizations.

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About the Podcast

Engaging Leadership
Engaging Leaders to Build High Performance Teams
How do you build a high-performance team?
That question occupies the minds of most leaders.

Answering that question in today's environment is especially challenging.
You need to outperform previous years on a fraction of the budget.
Do more with less is the mandate.

How do you pull this off?
That's why we're here.

Each week we will interview executive and senior leaders in HR, IT, and Sales. They'll share their best practices and playbooks for empowering managers and building high-performance teams.

Engaged leaders empower managers to build elite teams.
Tune in every week for game-changing insights.

About your hosts

CheeTung Leong

Profile picture for CheeTung Leong
I'm committed to helping people live their best lives through work.

I'm one of the co-founders of EngageRocket, an HRTech SaaS startup and we are focused on helping organizations build empowered managers, engaged employees, and elite teams.

I'm a big nerd when it comes to economics and psychology and regularly use data and tech to help folks live their best lives.

I've been recognized by Prestige Magazine as one of the top 40 under 40 business leaders and have been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg, Business Insider, and Tech in Asia.

Jim Kanichirayil

Profile picture for Jim Kanichirayil
Your friendly neighborhood talent strategy nerd is the producer and co-host for The HR Impact Show. He's spent his career in sales and has been typically in startup b2b HRTech and TA-Tech organizations.

He's built high-performance sales teams throughout his career and is passionate about all things employee life cycle and especially employee retention and turnover.