Episode 5

Published on:

5th Jul 2023

Why Are Busy HR Teams at Massive Risk When They Ignore Employee Engagement?


Employee engagement is a critical aspect of running a successful midsize company, but it can often be overlooked due to the many responsibilities that HR leaders have. However, studies have shown that highly engaged employees are less likely to leave their jobs, resulting in faster growth and better performance in the stock market. For midsize companies with 200 to 5000 employees, employee engagement is the highest ROI activity for HR. Ignoring employee engagement can lead to low motivation, high turnover rates, and rehiring and retraining costs. With limited bandwidth, HR leaders must prioritize employee engagement to avoid losing the war while winning battles. Focusing on employee engagement may be the most strategic thing for busy HR leaders in midsize companies to do.



Introduction to Engage Rocket and the importance of employee engagement


Highly engaged employees are less likely to leave and companies grow faster and perform better in the stock market


Employee engagement is the highest ROI activity for HR in midsize companies


Conclusion and call to action to follow EngageRocket on LinkedIn for more tips


Why Busy HR Teams Shouldn't Ignore Employee Engagement

CT Leong: [:

Decisions and strategy with data. Studies show that highly engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave their job. These companies also grow 16% faster and perform 26% better in the stock market. But the big problem is as an HR leader, you're wearing probably multiple hats. You've got many things to do in your day and you have to prioritize.

agement is the highest R ROI [:

Of bringing on talent, trying to keep them, and then having them leave again. If you ignore employee engagement, don't focus on just winning the battle, but losing the war. Employee engagement may be the most strategic thing for you to do if you are a busy HR leader in a mid-size company. For more tips on helping mid-size companies to do more with less.

Just hit like on this post and follow Engage Rocket on LinkedIn.

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About the Podcast

Engaging Leadership
Engaging Leaders to Build High Performance Teams
How do you build a high-performance team?
That question occupies the minds of most leaders.

Answering that question in today's environment is especially challenging.
You need to outperform previous years on a fraction of the budget.
Do more with less is the mandate.

How do you pull this off?
That's why we're here.

Each week we will interview executive and senior leaders in HR, IT, and Sales. They'll share their best practices and playbooks for empowering managers and building high-performance teams.

Engaged leaders empower managers to build elite teams.
Tune in every week for game-changing insights.

About your hosts

CheeTung Leong

Profile picture for CheeTung Leong
I'm committed to helping people live their best lives through work.

I'm one of the co-founders of EngageRocket, an HRTech SaaS startup and we are focused on helping organizations build empowered managers, engaged employees, and elite teams.

I'm a big nerd when it comes to economics and psychology and regularly use data and tech to help folks live their best lives.

I've been recognized by Prestige Magazine as one of the top 40 under 40 business leaders and have been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg, Business Insider, and Tech in Asia.

Jim Kanichirayil

Profile picture for Jim Kanichirayil
Your friendly neighborhood talent strategy nerd is the producer and co-host for The HR Impact Show. He's spent his career in sales and has been typically in startup b2b HRTech and TA-Tech organizations.

He's built high-performance sales teams throughout his career and is passionate about all things employee life cycle and especially employee retention and turnover.